
Product Instructions



If you have reached this level of your self-love and healing journey, congratulations! You are truly ready to release. Etheric Cords (also referred to as spirit ties, soul ties) removal is one of the most beneficial healing exercises you can perform. Etheric cords are toxic energetic cords that connect/bind you and another person. These energetic cords generally form during sexual activity and deep levels of intimacy. However, some may develop through deep emotional bonds and may even linger from previous lives.

These cords are purely ENERGETIC and attach to all areas of the body but they usually are strongest in the solar plexus (stomach), sacral (lower stomach above genitals), and root (lower spine). In my own experience my practitioner by name of Christian discovered I had a brain to brain cord connected with a man I was with for a total of 6 years. Most interestingly, I was two years into a new, happy relationship but still constantly felt overwhelmed by ex of 6 years’ energy.




1.  Intrusive and obsessive thoughts/dreams: You will find your thoughts completely consumed with this person even if you are consciously trying to or have moved on from them. You may find yourself day dreaming about heightened moments of a passion that were good and bad. Random thoughts of sex and arguments are most prominent. This person may also enter your dreams often. You may find yourself having intuitive downloads about this person and may become very conscious of their movements and what they are doing without spying or looking in on their life.

2.  Lack of forgiveness: Do you find it so difficult to forgive this person? Are you extremely triggered by small things they do or have done and have a hard time accepting them for who they are? Feelings of bitterness are a strong indicator of cords as well.

3.  Repeated Relationship Cycles: Same script different cast? Why are you attracting new people who are exactly like this person? Do you find repeated cycles in your relationships? Having the same experiences but with different people? Have your relationships mimicked the most impactful ones full of abuse and not changed?

4. Changes in finances or flow of usual luck: When you have cords still connected you start to inherit the other individuals luck and misfortune. Simple.




·         Something very important to know is removing cords will often increase the person you are trying to energetically detach from desire to be close to you. They may decide to call more, attempt to come close to you, or even still appear in your dreams. This is natural, as anything you try to remove that may not be unhealthy often fights hard to stay. Do not engage with the person until you are ready and your cords are removed.


·         Cords come back. New cords form. You can have several cords with several people at the same time. You may have to remove cords for the rest of your life, its ok. This is a part of the journey of life. It’s not a burden. Look at it as a part of spiritual maintenance.


·         It is so important that you understand that removing all cords will not sever your love and DIVINE connection to this person. Actually removing these cords is one of the most beneficial things you can do for a relationship you desire to be happy and healthy. It will allow you to love and accept without the toxic attachment. I even recommend married and established couples remove cords. The cord removal allows you to detach NOT disconnect.





To Use:


Water is one of the most powerful removers and cleansers this world has ever known. So to combine it with the power of my baba Ogun and his ability to cut and the power/knowledge of organic pure herbs seemed genius to me. This soap is powerfully made and goes through the creation process and then charges on my altar for 5-7 days. Use it in the shower as you would a regular soap to remove ALL cords ALL over the body. While bathing, be sure to target the back and stomach most but get the ENTIRE body. Say this as you wash and speak with conviction in your voice and say,

 “I release ALL toxic etheric cords that connect ____(person’s name)____ and I. I am completely free from this toxic connection. Ase’” Now of course you can and should say more. Get creative and detailed as you would with a prayer. Ask to be freed from the unhealthiness of the connection. Say it as many times as needed. Do not say it like you don’t mean it. Your results will be poor! You can do this daily until you return to your normal self and are no longer intruded by this energy.


The oil is used the exact same way. Rub it into the places listed above. Rub on the temples of the mind. Rub on your hands, throat, heart, stomach., genitals ( not inside please, use TUTU collection for that lol), and rub on the lower back.





Shake this oil very well. Get into a meditational state and think of the person you have this toxic connection with. Rub this oil on your stomach, just above your genitals and lower back. Speak with conviction in your voice and say, “I release ALL toxic etheric cords that connect _____________ and I. I am completely free from this toxic connection. So be it.” Say it as many times as needed. Do not say it like you don’t mean it. Your results will be poor! You can do this daily until you return to your normal self and are no longer intruded by this energy.

The most important thing to know is : RELEASE WITH LOVE. Do not play with fire. If you release with hate you will manifest this same cord back to yourself. Your new lovers will be toxic and your vibration will be that of despair and misfortune.


I love you all!



Jade HydariaComment