
Product Instructions


Money Oil/Soap:

                  *The Goddess Realm Money Oil was created and charged with the intentions of pulling money and the energy of money closer to you. This oil is very beneficial for people who already have a source of income and they’d like to draw more money to them. This oil is also good for receiving money that may be owed to you and even for drawing random luck in money. Keep in mind that even if you don’t land a huge check out the blue, the money oil will work in other ways. A bill being way lower than expected, reduced tickets, unexpected deals are all the money oil at work. Saving money unexpectedly is the money oil at work. Count every single blessing. Say thank you out loud every time you see the oil working for you.

To use:  

Always remember to shake the oil well. While shaking say your intentions out loud. Some examples of manifestations and affirmations that you may say is: I AM RICH, I AM WEALTHY, I AM FINANCIALLY FREE, MONEY COMES TO ME FREELY, and MONEY LOVES ME.  Believe this with all your heart. The money oil is best used ANY DAY but works best on Thursday because Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, our planet of luck and expansion. The money oil can be used anywhere on the body but is especially beneficial when rubbed on the hands. PLEASE believe that you are worthy and deserving of the money you are trying to manifest.

The same applies with the soap. Say your affirmations as you bathe. Please don’t share the money oil or soap. For those of you who are advanced, you may use the oil to dress candles. And last but not least writing your name on a tiny piece of paper and inserting inside the oil will raise its magnetism.  

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