
Product Instructions


Protection Oil/Soap:

The Goddess Realm protection oil was created and charged with the intention of creating a shield around your auric field protecting you from a number of things. Generally speaking, as soon as you leave your home you are in physical danger, but, how often do we acknowledge the spiritual danger we are in? People who have negative intentions toward you can quite easily manifest their thoughts toward you if you are not guarded. The first form of protection starts in your own mind. I can’t stress the importance of staying in a high vibrations in order to keep negativity sent from others from penetrating in your life. Be reminded that just because you are a pure heart doesn’t mean that you won’t attract negative experiences. As a matter of fact, the brighter your light, the more negativity you attract. You are responsible for your own protection.


To use:   

Always make sure you shake well while saying your affirmations out loud. I AM COVERED, I AM SAFE, I AM PROTECTED. Envision a white shield of protection around yourself that nothing can penetrate. You can share this oil and soap. This oil and soap can be used daily and charged in a dim sun or under a full moon. This oil can be worn with the others.

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